IT Infrastructure

Hardware + Software

Systems and Cluster Administration



The infrastructure of IT equipment and networks of the Institute is made up of a computer center in its own datacenter with a sonorously and thermally isolated room, with 2 cold storage units and 4 rack towers containing more than 35 computing servers incorporated from IFIMAR itself. as well as from different Research Groups with own funds of projects / subsidies. The gigabit speed network in almost all extends to the 4 floors of the Institute within the building of the Exact and Natural Science Fac. - UNMdP, connecting desktop computers for IFIMAR staff, wired and wireless network nodes, notebooks, mobile personnel devices and some instruments of the Electronics Lab.

Main tasks within the area

  • Installation, reinstallation, maintenance, repair and update of hardware, PC and Servers equipment.
  • Wiring of equipment to the network, printers and others.
  • Configuration of wired and wireless network hardware (router / switch).
  • Purchase of new equipment.
  • Participation / collaboration in projects that require it.
  • Migration, support and training of IFIMAR staff for the creation of the new website at with a template provided by CONICET.
  • Training of technical / professional CPA colleagues, in the data upload and own web tabs from the main website.
  • Support to Researchers, Fellows and permanent CPA; with tasks in solutions of their hardware and software problems.
  • Configuration of servers in Cluster for all IFIMAR and managed with permissions for each research group, by means of Rocks Clusters (tool incorporated from trip to Australia of training, through External Scholarship CPA).
  • IFIMAR Personnel Training (related to computer tasks) in the handling of the Cluster.
  • Adaptation of the IT infrastructure to the requirements of the National System of High Performance Computing (SNCAD) so that the IFIMAR can be incorporated, also considering the installation of fault reporting systems and other software or hardware requirements.
  • Availability to face development of extension projects to new clients, related to hardware and software.
  • Extension / linkage project through STAN: DEVELOPMENT GPS + GSM TRACKING SYSTEM, in execution from 2014 to the present year.
  • Extension / linkage project through STAN: CAM Design Center Development, finalized by 2018.
  • Extension / linkage project through STAN: website and mobile app design for CAE Congress, finalized by 2019.

We provide our services to society for custom projects. For more information contact:

Responsible: CPA Professional - Engineer Gonzalo Ezequiel Arroyo



0054 0223 475-5507 (int 41)

Software Tools and Operating Systems