Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
This is an area of Theoretical Physics that deals with the interpretation problems of Quantum Mechanics. In this area of research is intended to contribute to the search for such interpretation based on non-naive Realism, Completeness, Classical Logic and Non-locality or Contextuality. Research is also carried out on quantum chaos, quantum maps and decoherence mechanisms in open quantum systems.
In addition to the described problem, "extension to the environment" components associated with the project are included, such as the dissemination of physics at all levels and in particular the teaching of the Physics at the graduate level of the human sciences, to contribute to the scientific culture in these areas.
The facilities available in this area are reasonably adequate: electronic access to magazines and preprints and about 150 books on the subject. The computer equipment available is sufficient for the members of the "quantum area" (2 researchers).
Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
The main activity of the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Group (FESNOL) is basic research in various lines that have in common the use of statistical mechanics tools. Some of the topics we work on are: transport processes, interface dynamics, computational mathematics, energy harvesting, epidemic propagation in complex systems, biophysics and quantum chaos.
More information:
Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Group
Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics
This is an area made up of three IFIMAR researchers. On the one hand, the Electrical Discharge and Plasma Laboratory is managed by two researchers and has a dense plasmas generating equipment from coaxial electric discharges in the plasma focus (PF) modality called GX1 Facility in the framework of the National Network of Magnetized Densized Plasmas. The plasma thus generated is self-confined by a magnetic field producing emission of radiation and particles at the time of focus. X-rays originate from Bremsstrahlung electrons against the plasma background and against the anode material. In particular, the neutrons emitted are produced by nuclear fusion reactions if Deuterium is used as the filling gas, the work focuses on characterizing the discharges from their electrical and geometric parameters, as well as optimizing the emission of radiation and particles. Among the main applications are:
- Development of techniques for the detection of hydrogenated substances by means of interrogation with neutron pulses of the PF.
- Development of ultra-high-resolution and high-resolution radiographs by X-ray pulses.
- Development of diagnostic techniques for PF discharges from the processing of electrical signals.
The GX1 device currently consists of: a high voltage load source ALTATEC, from 0 to 50 kV, 10 mA MAX; a bank formed by two MAXWELL capacitors (2.2 μF, 50 kV) mounted together with the gaseous key (sparg-gap) in the discharge chamber, the source of trigger and the emptying system of the discharge chamber (mechanical vacuum pump in series with an oil diffuser).
This laboratory participates actively in the National PLADEMA Network (Magnetized Densized Plasmas), in particular of the Inter-institutional Plasma Program
Densos (PIPAD) for the period 2010-2018. The PIPAD is a strategic plan of the CNEA (OEs7.4 M2), which basically consists of "Carrying out research and development in alternative energies, hydrogen technology and fuel cells". The guiding idea is to develop small pulsed fusion machines for experimental studies of dense plasmas and damage to the first wall in magnetic confinement, as well as to explore possible applications as sources of radiation. This collaboration is framed within the PIPAD and is carried out in cooperation with the international project ITER ("International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor")
The main long-term objective of PIPAD is the construction and acquisition of a facility High energy PF and the diagnostic techniques associated with this technology. As there are no suppliers of high-energy PF facilities in the world, this implies a research, development and engineering project, which includes the construction of experimental test modules, the development of basic diagnostic technology, the performance of experimental tests for the characterization of operating regimes, development of validated design codes, installation of equipment and specific instrumentation of plasmas (including the acquisition of components, assembly, calibration, start-up and evaluation of performance), conceptual design, basic engineering of the different levels of energy, and finally the design, construction, testing, commissioning and safe operation of increasing energy modules. The partial goals of the PIPAD consist of the construction of the experimental FP facility in progressive modules in each of the associated laboratories. The modules (facilities) built and in operation are: GN1 (INFIP) (UBA), STAR (INFIP) (UBA), GI1 (UNR), GX1 (UNMDP), GN2 (Centro Atómico Bariloche) , STAR (Pladema) (UNCPBA), n Focus-Arg2 (Pladema) (UNCPBA). For the 2010-2018 period, and within the framework of this collaboration, it is foreseen:
Move to larger teams capable of producing larger bulbs, both in the properties of plasma (densities and temperatures) as in the increase of radiation generation.
"Upgrading" PF modules at energies of some tens of kJ.
Technological improvement of the diagnostics associated with the PF modules.
Development of applications of the PF technology. This action includes continuing with the developments of radiographic techniques, interrogation of substances, and production of radioisotopes of low half-life.
In Atomic Physics and Molecular theoretical (1 researcher) the following lines of research are developed:
Study of ultra-energy collisions low and its relationship with inelastic processes of few bodies such as photoionization and electronic loss of negative ions and electronic capture to the continuum of neutral atoms. Study of the behavior of elastic and inelastic reactions close to its threshold.
Study of the wave function of three bodies with interactions Coulombianas and its application to processes of ionization of atoms by impact of electrons and heavy ions and double photoionization processes.
Study of material-antimatter collisions. In particular, calculations of positronium formation and ionization in positron collisions with atoms and electron-positron annihilation.
Study of the interaction of short and intense laser pulses with atoms and molecules. Multi-photon ionization calculations and high harmonic generation.
Available equipment: 2 PC Core 2 Quad with 2 are available Gb of RAM and 2 i7 with 4 Gb of RAM.
Bindings: Work links are maintained with the Atomic Collisions Division of the Bariloche Atomic Center (Raúl) O. Barrachina) in collisions at low energies and material-antimatter collisions and with the Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics and the Physics Department of the University of Buenos Aires (Vladimir D. Rodríguez and Diego Arbó) in laser interactions with the materia.
High Energy Physics and Cosmology
This is an area of Theoretical Physics in which the Physics of the Elementary Particles and the dynamics of the Universe on cosmological scales, as well as extended theories of general relativity. In particular, the current work topics are:
Cosmological Phase Transitions.
Study of the early universe and inflation and quintessence from non-compact extra dimensions. Production of gravitational waves and scalar fluctuations of the gauge invariant metric. Production and evolution of electromagnetic fields in the early universe. Production of topological defects in the early universe.
Extended theories of general relativity. Effects on a cosmological scale and its possible connection with dark energy. Effects on a small scale and its possible connection with dark matter.
Production of neutrinos in compact astrophysical objects, production of Higgs and effects of new interactions on the propagation of neutrinos in the Earth Neutrino telescopes, radiation zeros as an indication of new interactions.
Equipment: A personal computer connected to the Internet is available for each participant researcher / doctor, currently the area has 6 researchers and 5 doctoral fellows.
Bindings: Scientific links are maintained with:
Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico.
University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil.
University of Barcelona, Spain.
University of Zacatecas, Mexico.
University of Bogotá, Colombia.
University of La Republica, Montevideo.
Instituto Argentino of Radioastronomy.
Argentine Institute of Space Physics.
Physical Chemistry of Systems of Environmental Interest
The research group was created in 1992 under the direction of Dr. María Alejandra Grela, within the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (OCA 92/1992). Its current conformation was approved by OCA 792/2018.
The lines of work include physicochemical studies of photoinduced processes of potential application in decontamination and energy transformation, and of natural molecules and nanostructured systems with capacity for UV, antioxidant and antimicrobial protection.
More info:
Physical Chemistry Group